

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Having a Hard Time

I am frustrated. It is 3 o'clock in the morning. I have been glued to my new Italian computer for the last 18 hours and it looks like I will be doing this for the next several weeks. It is arduous and time consuming just loading up a new computer even if it is in your native language and even if you know what you are doing. I am trying to download all of the programs that I used to have on my now-dead-and-buried old laptop. Like all of my contact data, all my backup files, Mozilla, Google Earth, Garmin, Microsoft Office, Vius Software, Spyware software, Blackberry software, software for my camera, I Tunes, etc, etc, etc. I am simultaneoulsy learning over 20 software programs, all in Italian....all at the same time. I'm overwhelmed, mentally exhausted and have a headache. Everything takes much longer to download, the keyboard and how you place your fingers is different. It's like learning how to type all over again from scratch.

I must say, however, that by the time I am done with this (maybe by April) I will have learned ALOT of new Italian vocabulary. I just wish this had happened at some other time rather than now. I would rather be out there, socializing and speaking the language instead of staring at my computer all day long.