

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ready for a "Fidanzato"?

Today I had a great ride with Rebecca, Rhiannon, Leif, Moreno and Andrea. We rode through Greve to Panzano to Piazza and then back from San Casciano. It was a beautiful day and we had a fine group. After riding a couple of weeks ago in Piemonte, the hills of Tuscany seem so much more gentle and forgiving.

I always get chills upon ending a ride, coming from Porta Romana to Piazzale Michelangelo and then descending down the gentle switchbacks to the Arno. Seeing the magnificent view of Florence extended in front of me while I'm on an adrenaline rush from my ride, is something straight out of heaven. I can't believe I live here, that I'm a citizen, that I'm almost a resident of Firenze, and that this is my view on my way home. I don't ever want to take this for granted. I think Rebecca feels the same way, because she wanted to stop too, to gaze and suck it all in.....with a gelato

Continuing my way home, I passed through Piazza Sangemini to see the cute, charming, flirtatious little Giovanni. He's always there selling flowers, 6 days a week, 13 hours a day, just as he's been doing for the past 15 years. He's an integral part of the neighborhood and knows everyone. I see him everytime I leave or enter my apartment, several times a day. We always chat, he always flirts and gives me little bunches of flowers. He's adorable.

After my rides, I always stop to tell him all about my ride, and he always checks my computer to make sure I'm not exaggerating the distance, as he can't believe it. This time, he invited me to go "al mare" with him the next day! I made an excuse, saying that I have plans to ride the next day. He disapproved and told me that I shouldn't ride so much, it's not good for me, and that I really need a fidanzato (boyfriend).......and that he's ready when I'm ready.

I think he's right about the fidanzato.